Society Awards and Scholarships
The Society, in furtherance of its aims to support study related to the life and works of Dorothy L Sayers, currently makes a number of renewable annual awards, intended to be held by young people at the beginning of their careers.
We also run the Barbara Reynolds Award for a significant scholarly work. This is not awarded on any set timetable, but occasionally, to celebrate particular events. Please see this page for more details.
The Dorothy L Sayers Music Award
This award was instituted in 2005.
The current holders are violinist Sofia Kolupov and singer Tiara Ataii. They were first presented with their awards on 8th February 2014 at the Royal College of Music, Kensington, London, after both girls gave a short recital to many members of the Society. They have maintained a high standard of improvement, and so the committee has decided to continue with them for 2015.
The first holder was Helena Buckie, who held the award for five years to support her studies in violin and trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, during which time she performed regularly at Society events. Other previous holders include Joy Becker (violinist).

The Dorothy L Sayers Actors’ Award
This award was instituted in 2006, in conjunction with Theatre Centre.
For 2015, this is to be made to Imogen Rose.
Previous holders have been Marcy Oni, Sam Donavan, Robert Solar, Michael Lyle and Clare Chater.
Theatre Centre was founded in 1953 by Brian Way. Dorothy L Sayers became involved at a very early stage after seeing “an astonishingly good potted production” of her radio series The Man Born to be King. She immediately joined the Management Committee and donated £200. She wrote to her friend Norah Lambourne: “I have gone into management in a small way!!…Brian Way is quite a remarkable producer…and he and Margaret Faulkes are…keen and businesslike. They started the whole show on twopence ha’penny of their own…but they have just discovered that twopence ha’penny won’t really run productions and pay rent…so thinking they were worth helping, I said I would finance them for a year and see how they got on. The poor dears quite goggled with pleasure and surprise and I felt a blooming benefactor.”

The Dorothy L Sayers Bell Ringer’s Award
This award was instituted in 2009.
This year’s winner is Kaitlin Jarvis.
Previous holders have been Chloë Guthrie, Felicity Lister and Emily Davies.

Norah Lambourne Theatrical Design Award
This will be made in conjunction with the Royal Opera House outreach programme in Thurrock, Essex in the New Year.