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The Rules of the Dorothy L Sayers Society

  1. The name of the Society shall be The Dorothy L Sayers Society.
  2. The objects of the Society are the promotion and encouragement of education Generally and in particular for the benefit of the public the study of the works of Dorothy L Sayers.
  3. There are two grades of membership: honorary without subscription and ordinary at an Annual rate of subscription. There shall also be a student grade of membership at a reduced rate for persons under 25 years of age. The subscription year runs from January to December. The Annual subscription is not returnable in whole or in part. Family members at the same address will be charged a single subscription.
  4. The Annual General Meeting which will normally be held in November will decide the rate of subscription for the following year, will receive the accounts approved by the Committee and will elect a new committee. Not more than fourteen months will pass between Annual General Meetings. Resolutions for amending the rules or winding up the Society require a 2/3rds majority of those present, always providing that no amendment shall be made that will cause the Society to cease to be a charity at law.
  5. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the committee and shall be called by it within fourteen days if so required by five ordinary members. An EGM or the Committee may appoint committee members if vacancies exist but their terms of office shall run only to the next AGM. Any General Meeting may vote only on matters which it was called to discuss; matters for discussion by the AGM must be reported by any ordinary member in writing to reach the Chairman fourteen days beforehand. A quorum for a General Meeting will be eight members assembled within half an hour of the published time of the Meeting. failing the presence of the Chairman, any Committee member may preside.
  6. The Committee has the power to approve or withhold ordinary membership, to withdraw membership by a 2/3rds majority vote subject to appeal at the next General Meeting, and to award or withdraw honorary membership by unanimous vote. Ordinary members may be co-opted to the Committee but will not have voting powers. A quorum will be half the elected Committee.
  7. The Committee shall consist of a maximum of twelve ordinary members. The committee will allocate to its members the duties of chairman, vice chairman, treasurer, membership secretary, bulletin secretary, research, archives, publications, convention planning, liaison with the Dorothy L Sayers Centre in Witham and web master. All appointments will be honorary. patrons may be appointed but only by an Annual General Meeting. There may be a president or presidents elected by the Annual General Meeting who may if they so wish attend committee Meetings.
  8. Accounts will be kept in respect of:
    1. all moneys expended and received and on what account
    2. assets and liabilities balanced and examined Annually in accordance with the current requirements of charity law.
  9. If upon the winding up or dissolution by a General Meeting of the Society there remains, after satisfaction of all just debts and liabilities, any assets whatsoever, the same shall not be distributed amongst the members but be given or transferred to some other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Society, and if and in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision then to some other charitable object.
  10. The Committee has the power to decide issues not covered by these rules provided such decisions are reported to the subsequent Annual General Meeting.

Rules adopted 7 September 1976
Amended 14 November 1987
Amended 19 November 1994
Amended 31 October 2009
Amended 24 March 2010