SEVEN: An Anglo-American Literary Review
For ordering information, see the main SEVEN page.Back Issues available
- A Tribute to Clyde S Kilby − Donald R Mitchell
- Foreword − Owen Barfield
- 'If You Would But Write Novels, Mr MacDonald' − Rolland Hein
- In Search of the Essential Chesterton − Ian Boyd
- Tolkien as Philologist − David Lyle Jeffrey
- Charles Williams and his Arthurian Poetry − Alice Mary Hadfield
- Like Aesop's Bat − Barbara Reynolds and Dorothy L Sayers
- C S Lewis's Dymer − George Sayer
- The Concept of Revelation − Owen Barfield
- The Emperor Clothed and in his Right Mind? − Richard Webster
- The Nature of Meaning − Owen Barfield
- The Abyss of His Mother-Tongue: Scotch Dialect in Novels by George MacDonald − Roderick McGillis
- The Everlasting Man: G K Chesterton's Answer to H G Wells − John Sullivan
- C S Lewis: Critic, Creator and Cult Figure − Chad Walsh
- Dorothy L Sayers and the Other Type of Mystery − John R Elliott, Jr
- Types of Christian Drama: With Some Notes on Production − Dorothy L Sayers
- The Diagrammatised Glory of Williams's Taliessin − Joe McClatchey
- What Happened to Dorothy L Sayers that Good Friday? − E L Mascall
- The Emperor's Clothes Invisible? An Open Letter to Richard Webster − Kathleen Nott
- The Dogma in the Manger (1954) − Dorothy L Sayers
- Notes Towards a Reply (1982) − Kathleen Nott
- Meaning and The Mind of the Maker − D J taylor
- George MacDonald and the World of Faery − Marion Lochhead
- G K Chesterton and the Myth-Making Power − Leo A Hetzler
- Known in a Different Kind: A COmment on the Literary Criticism of Charles Williams − Brian Horne
- The Dialectic of Multiple Worlds: An Analysis of C S Lewis's Narnia Stories − Michael Murrin
- The Quality of Thinking: Owen Barfield as Literary Man and Anthroposophist − Patrick Grant
- A Note on Scientific and Theological Enterprises − A R Peacocke
- What is Truth? An Open Letter to Kathleen Nott − D J Taylor
- C S Lewis on the Desolation of Devalued Science − Bruce R Reichenbach
- Goerge MacDonald and Dreams of the Other World − David Holbrook
- The Symbolism of the Key in Chesterton's Work − Christiane d'Haussey
- Chesterton and Tolkien: the Road to Middle-Earth − Thomas M Egan
- Charles Williams and Arthur Edward Waite − Elisabeth Brewer
- Charles Williams's Christmas Novel: The Greater Trumps − Charles Huttar
- Seeing and Knowing: The Epistemology of C S Lewis's Till We Have Faces − Peter J Schakel
- Gaudy Night: An Investigation of Truth − Donald G Marshall
- Tribute to John Sullivan KSG − Aidan Mackey
- The Psychology of the Self in MacDonald's Phantastes − Max Keith Sutton
- World's Apart: the Importance of Double Vision for MacDonald Criticism − Kathy Triggs
- Postscript: A Reply − David Holbrook
- Charles Williams and Thomas Cranmer at Canterbury − James G Dixon
- Tolkien's Platonic Fantasy − John Cox
- The Detective Fiction of Dorothy L Sayers: a Source for the Social Historian? − Philip L Scowcroft
- Jack the Giant-Killer − A D Nuttall
- C S Lewis and T D Weldon − Martin Moynihan
- (out of print)
- The Latin Letters of C S Lewis to Don Giovanni Calabria − Martin Moynihan
- The Defiant Lyricism of Owen Barfield − Thomas Kranidas
- The Fiction of George MacDonald − David S Robb
- Dorothy L Sayers: Critic of Detective Fiction − Ralph E Hone
- An Introduction to Charles Williams's Incarnationalism and the Taliessin Poetry − John-Manuel Andriote
- The Silmarillion and the Rise of Evil: the Birth Pains of Middle-Earth − Thomas M Egan
- Review Article: 'I Wrote It Just For Fun' − Barbara Reynolds
- (out of print)
- George MacDonald: A Portrait from His Letters − Rolland Hein
- Being Somebody Else: Smith's 'Sympathy' and Chesterton's 'Secret' − Norbert Waszek
- Provocative Generalisations: The Allegory of Love in Retrospect − Margaret P Hannay
- The Polemic Image: The Role of Metaphor and Symbol in the Fiction of C S Lewis − Kath Filmer
- Appeasing the Gods in C S Lewis's Till We Have Faces − Peter W Macky
- Tolkien's Concept of Philology as Mythology − J S Ryan
- Dorothy L Sayers and the Proper Work of the Playwright − George Ralph
- Playwrights Are Not Evangelists − Dorothy L Sayers
- Writing a Local Play − Dorothy L Sayers
- Review Article: Scientism and the Flight from reality − Geoffrey Price
- Review Article: Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc − Aidan Mackey
- A Tribute to Clyde S Kilby − Beatrice Batson
- George MacDonald and Animal Magnetism − David S Robb
- Malaise at the Heart of The Flying Inn − John Coates
- Christian Existentialism in the Early Poetry of Charles Williams − Diane edwards
- Sauron as Gorgon and Basilisk − Gwyneth E Hood
- Fiction in A Grief Observed − George Musacchio
- Dorothy L Sayers and the Truth about Lucan − Brian G Marsden
- Review Article: Charles Williams as Natural and Preternatural − Stephen Medcalf
- The Centenary Year of Charles Williams − Charles A Huttar
- Inklings in Germany − Christopher Dean
- A Visit to Beatrice − Owen Barfield
- Entering the Vision: A Novelist's View of Phantastes − Sylvia Bruce
- 'La Trahison des Clercs' in Chesterton's Parables for Social Reformers − Denis J Conlon
- Spectres of T S Eliot's City in the Novels of Charles Williams − Donald G Kessee
- Mid-Century Perceptions of the Ancient Celtic Peoples of England − J S Ryan
- Echoes in Age from the World of J R R Tolkien − E L Edmonds
- A Dorothy L Sayers Crime Play Rediscovered − Philip L Scowcroft
- C S Lewis on Rationalism (Unpublished Notes) − Patience Fetherston
- 'Knowledge' in C S Lewis's Post-Conversion Thought: His Epistemological Method − Stephen Thorson
- Review Article: Abridgement: Profit and Loss in Modernising George MacDonald − William H Burnside
- Review Article: Despatches from the Battlefield − John Coates
- Foreword − Dorothy L Sayers
- The Centenary Year − Christopher Dean
- Dorothy L Sayers: Her Novels Today − P D James
- University Detective Fiction Then and Now: Dorothy L Sayers's Gaudy Night and Amanda Cross's Death in a Tenured Position − Thomas Michael Stein
- From Poetaster to Poet: One Aspect of the Development of Lord Peter Wimsey − Ralph E Hone
- Dorothy L Sayers and Music: Musicienne Malgré Elle − William Phemister
- The Greatest Story, or from mystery to Mystery − John Thurmer
- Dorothy L Sayers and Dante's Beatrice − Ann Loades
- Temptation at Canterbury: T S Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral and Dorothy L Sayers's The Zeal of Thy House − Manfred Siebald
- An Almost Perfect Match: Dorothy L Sayers on Cricket − Andrew Lewis
- Feature Article: Shadowlands Observed
- Charles Williams and the Arthurian Tradition − Joe H McClatchey
- Diamond and Kilmeny: MacDonald, Hogg and the Scottish Folk Tradition − William Raeper
- 'BARSPECS': Owen Barfield's Vision − Shirley Sugerman
- Studies of the Faces of Man"; "Man − G K Chesterton
- Personal Memories of a Lewis Scholar in Japan − Peter Milward
- Wade Center 30th Anniversary − Christopher W Mitchell
- Lilith Centenary Reviews
- Lilith: A Dark Labyrinth Towards the Light − Giorgio Spina
- Worship in the Anglican Church − Dorothy L Sayers
- Under the Mercy: An Introduction to Charles Williams − Nancy E Topolewski
- 'Making the Poor Beast of Dull Things': C S Lewis as Poet − Don W King
- The Image in the Mirror: Americans in Wimsey's Acquaintance − Petra-Angela Wacker
- Review Article: The History of Middle Earth − Wayne G Hammond and Christina Scull
- G K Chesterton: Myth, Paradox, and the Commonplace − Rolland Hein
- The Day Boy and the Night Girl − Adrian Gunther
- Higher Dimensions: C S Lewis and Mathematics − David L Neuhouser
- Fantasy Set to Music: Donald Swann, C S Lewis, and J R R Tolkien − William Phemister
- Special Feature: Two Responses to Dorothy L Sayers' "Worship in the Anglican Church"
- Review Article: Dorothy L - A Dramatic Portrait of Dorothy L Sayers − Barbara Reynolds
- The Oecumenical Penguin − Giles Watson
- Dorothy L Sayers and Aristotle − Rosamond Kent Sprague
- Beyond Ideas: The Intrigue of the Lilith Manuscripts − Rolland Hein
- Response to Dorothy L Sayers' Worship in the Anglican Church − John Thurmer
- Disseminating Glory: Echoes of Charles Williams in the Works of T S Eliot − Suzanne Bray
- Warren Lewis: Historian of the Inkings and of Seventeenth-Century France − Richard C West
- On Being a Ghost − Jill Paton Walsh
- Christmas and Sport − G K Chesterton
- SEVEN Authors in the Internet − Anthony Palmer Dawson
- Remembrances of Lady Dunbar of Hempriggs, Anne Scott, and Graham Suter
- Barfield's Evolution of Consciousness: How Much Did Lewis Accept? − Stephen Thorson
- The Dungeon of His Soul: Lewis' Unfinished Quest of Bleheris − David C Downing
- Through the Wardrobe: A Famous Image Explored − Michael Ward
- Glints of Light: The Unpublished Short Poetry of C S Lewis − Don W King
- Review Essay: Owen Barfield: A Reader's Guide − David Lavery
- Review Essay: On Reading Many Books about Lewis − Peter J Schakel
- The Influence of Charles Williams on the Life and Work of W.H. Auden − Cicero Bruce
- The Language Learned of Elves: Owen Barfield, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings − Stephen Medcalf
- George MacDonald and Jacob Boehme: Lilith and the Seven-fold Pattern of Existence − Deirdre Hayward
- Sayers and Son − John Thurmer
- Harry Blamires: Oral History Interview with Lyle Dorsett
- 50 Years On: Dorothy L. Sayers and Dante
- A Remembrance of Ralph E. Hone
- A Remembrance of Mary McDermott Shideler
- A Remembrance of Michael Stansby Williams
- The Lion at 50 − Colin Manlove
- "Tolkien and Esperanto"
- Dear Jim.... the reconstruction of a friendship − Barbara Reynolds
- 2nd Lieutenant Lewis − K James Gilchrist
- Dante and his Daughter: Dorothy L Sayers' response to Maud Bodkin − Dominic Manganiello
- Quorum Porum: The Literary Cats of T.S. Eliot, Ruth Pitter and Dorothy L Sayers − Don King
- The Versatile C.S. Lewis: Latin Scholar − Arthur Rupprecht
- Charles Williams and the Tradition of Alchemy − Gavin Ashenden
- Continuing Research on Second Lieutenant Lewis − James Gilchrist
- Special feature highlighting the events related to the dedication of the new facility for the Wade Center in September 2001.
- Intellectual Tyrrany: A Rebellion? − Barbara Reynolds
- C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity (the Book and the Ideal) at the Start of the Twenty-first Century − Mark Noll
- Browsing the Glome Library − Doris Myers
- The Foolish Weakness in C.S. Lewis' Cosmic Trilogy: A Feminine Heroic − Monika Hilder
- Chapter III of Tolkien and the Silmarillion − Clyde S Kilby
- J.R.R. Tolkien's Formal Lecturing and Teaching − J.S. Ryan
- News of the completed restoration of C.S. Lewis' Oxford home, The Kilns, as well as the 2002 Dorothy L Sayers Society convention.
- C.S. Lewis and Politics − Suzanne Bray
- Dorothy L. Sayers and War − Barbara Reynolds
- George MacDonald's Transfiguring Fantasy − John Pridmore
- Metaphysical and Romantic in the Taliessin Poems − Stephen Barber
- Some Views on Catholic Tales and Christian Songs − Christine R. Simpson
- Review Article: Survey of Tolkien Literature − Colin Duriez.
- Remembrances of Lucy Barfield, Rev. Peter Bide, George Every, and Kathryn Lindskoog.
- News and Events: highlights the 2003 Dorothy L Sayers Society convention.
- Charles Williams and Owen Barfield: Common (and Uncommon) Ground − Stephen Dunning
- Dorothy L Sayers and C.S. Lewis: Two Approaches to Creativity and Calling − Diana Ravlac Gyler and Laura K. Simmons
- 'Bid the Tree Unfix His Earthbound Root': Motifs from Macbeth in The Lord of the Rings − Janet Brennan Croft
- Lewis and Morris − Robert Boenig
- Charles Williams as Medieval Troubadour − Joseph Hugh Simmons
- News and Events: highlights the beginnings and evolution of the G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith and Culture, the activities of the Dorothy L. Sayers Society during 2004, and a report on the Marquette Tolkien Conference.
- MacDonald’s Shorter Fairy Tales: Journeys into the Mind − Colin Manlove
- The Orthodoxology of Dorothy L. Sayers − Crystal Downing
- C.S. Lewis, T.S. Eliot, and the Anglican Psalter − George Musacchio
- Fire and Ice: C.S. Lewis and the Love Poetry of Joy Davidman and Ruth Pitter − Don W. King
- C.S. Lewis’s Use of Analogy in Theological Understanding − Robert J. Palma
- Remembrances of Humphrey Carpenter, George Sayer, and Richard T. Webster
- A summary of the proceedings of the 2005 Dorothy L. Sayers Convention
- Plus 20 book reviews
- G.K. Chesterton: Social Criticism and the Sense of Wonder − Richard Gill
- That 'such a genius should be a beastly American': C.S. Lewis as Critic of American Literature − Jack L. Knowles
- 'My Dear Norah': The Course of a Friendship − Christopher Dean
- Eagles with Attitude: Chaucer and Tolkien − Emma B. Hawkins
- Finding Joy: A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Works of Joy Davidman − Don W. King
- Review Article: "Theism and Thought" − Mark R. Talbot
- Worshipping the Hero: MacDonald and Carlyle’s Early Novels − David Robb
- Contemplating C.S. Lewis’s Epistemology − Norbert Feinendegen
- “Seeking But To Do Thee Grace”: Dorothy L. Sayers’s Illustrated Religious Cards − Laura Simmons
- Didactic Pleasures: Learning in C.S. Lewis’s Narnia − Paul Tankard
- Feminist Nay-Sayers: Are Women Human? − Crystal Downing
- Plus 20 book reviews
- A Myth of Hubris in Till We Have Faces − Chad Shrock
- The Inhabitants of Cosmo’s Drawer − Reid Makowsky
- Death − Owen Barfield
- Responses to Norbert Feinendegen’s “Contemplating C.S. Lewis’s Epistemology”
- Poetry and Transformation − Brian Horne
- Plus 18 book reviews
- Conversing with Dante: Relational Assent in Charles Williams and George MacDonald − Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson
- Stoic Rationality and Divine Madness in Till We Have Faces − Dale Sullivan
- Vocation in Work: Dorothy L. Sayers and Economic Issues − Christine M. Fletcher
- That Hideous Latin in That Hideous Strength − Amy E.K. Vail
- Plus 13 book reviews
- C.S. Lewis on Language and Meaning − Steven A. Beebe
- In Search of Lucy: The Life of Lucy Barfield − Owen A. and Adelene Barfield
- C.S. Lewis Remembered: Cambridge, 1957-1960 − Tom McAlindon
- Woodland Prisoner − Clyde S. Kilby
- Two Poems by Owen Barfield − Brett Foster
- C.S. Lewis and the Art of the Apologue − Samuel Joeckel
- Review Essay: G.K. Chesterton as Thinker and Theologian − Ralph C. Wood
- Review Essay: Dearborn's The Baptized Imagination − Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson
- Some Planets in Narnia: A Quantitative Investigation of the Planet Narnia Thesis − Justin L. Barrett
- Plus 17 other book reviews
Volumes 6 and 7 are now out of print, but photocopied reproductions bound in clear plastic with a black spine are available (same price).