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Who we are

The Dorothy L Sayers Society was founded in 1976 to promote the study of the life, works and thoughts of this great scholar and writer, to encourage the performance of her plays and the publication of books by and about her, to preserve original material for posterity and to provide assistance for researchers. It acts as a forum and information centre, putting members in touch with other workers and sources of information, and providing for study purposes material not otherwise available. It holds an annual seminar convention of which the proceedings are published, and commemorates the name of Dorothy L Sayers with plaques and notices as opportunity offers. We are privileged to count among our members a number of people who knew DLS; our president Dr Barbara Reynolds has published a number of books about her, most recently a collection of her letters.

There is no entrance qualification beyond an appreciation of her works. The Society is registered as a charity and is run by voluntary effort. There is a small subscription to cover expenses, set at the annual general meeting in November. Details of how to join are given below.

The list of over 1200 items held by the Society, most of which can be copied for members’ research and study, is sent free to new members on request for the cost of postage. Six bulletins per year, with news and plans for events, are sent free to all members. Any other material is sent surface mail unless otherwise requested, and is invoiced accordingly.

Members may also like to know that a large body of material is held by the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College, Illinois.

Apart from its routine services to members, the activities of the Society have included, among much else:

See also the news page for some recent or forthcoming events, and the publications page for a selection of items published by the Society.

“From one small spark springs up a mighty flare” (Paradiso, Canto 1)

The Society hopes that by its light future generations will enjoy and profit from the writings of Dorothy L Sayers.


President tba
Chair, Witham Liaison Seona Ford *
Vice Chair Geraldine Perriam *
Hon. Secretary (Membership) Lenelle Davis *
Hon. Secretary (Bulletin) Jasmine Simeone *
Hon. Treasurer Brian Ogilvie *
Publications Gillian Thumpston *
Archivist Alison Hall *
Sound Archives, Webmaster Richard Birkett *
Convention Administration Simon Medd *
Wheaton Liaison Marjorie Mead (co-opted)
Without portfolio Christine Simpson *, Petra Birkett *, Margaret Sangster *
* Trustee

How to Join

There is lots more to discover about this exciting Society and the books of Dorothy L Sayers, but you really need to take the plunge and join us to discover the friendship and/or scholarly support we can offer.

You may pay your initial (and annual renewal) subscription in a number of ways:

When you join, you will be sent some further information about forthcoming meetings and general literature about recent and forthcoming Society matters - how to obtain archive materials and so on. You will indeed be made most welcome!


The membership year runs from January to December. Those joining from July onwards receive membership for the current year and the following year at a discounted combined rate: from July to September, this is 150% of the current full annual rate; from October to December, it’s 125% of the current full annual rate. The calculation is made automatically on our online payment page.

At the AGM in October 2012, we announced that postage costs have now risen so far that we are now encouraging members to receive their Bulletin online (as a PDF downloadable from the web site), and that the cost of a subscription will be lower for those who do. For those who prefer to receive a Bulletin by post, the prices vary by country, according to the following table.

  Online Bulletin Bulletin by post
Single ordinary membership Worldwide: £20.00 UK: £24.00
Europe: £27.00
Rest of World: £30.00
Family membership (any number at same address)
Under-25 membership (online only) Worldwide: £10.00

Please note that, if you wish to pay in any currency other than Pound Sterling, your only option is to use a credit or debit card. We do not accept cash or cheques in any other currency.

Gift Aid: UK Tax payers can increase the value of their subscriptions to the Society at no extra cost to themselves, by authorising us to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your subscription. To do this, please complete our Gift Aid form.