SEVEN: An Anglo-American Literary Review
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Volume 24
- Worshipping the Hero: MacDonald and Carlyle’s Early Novels − David Robb
- David Robb compares and contrasts the “great men” who populate MacDonald’s realistic novels with the concept of the “Great Man” as defined by the influential Victorian writer, Thomas Carlyle.
- Contemplating C.S. Lewis’s Epistemology − Norbert Feinendegen
- Norbert Feinendegen suggests that while Lewis and Barfield’s “Great War” correspondence did influence Lewis’s Christian conversion, it was for different reasons than have been assumed by scholars heretofore, due to Barfield’s misunderstanding of Lewis’s use of the key terms “enjoyment” and “contemplation”.
- “Seeking But To Do Thee Grace”: Dorothy L. Sayers’s Illustrated Religious Cards − Laura Simmons
- Laura Simmons uses unpublished correspondence of Sayers to explore the author’s process of collaboration with her publisher and artists in the creation of several religious cards published late in Sayers’s life.
- Didactic Pleasures: Learning in C.S. Lewis’s Narnia − Paul Tankard
- Paul Tankard examines the overtly didactic qualities in the Narnian Chronicles, and explains the background and value in Lewis’s instructive approach, while clarifying that the Christian resonances in the series are not among the material that is presented didactically.
- Feminist Nay-Sayers: Are Women Human? − Crystal Downing
- Crystal Downing contextualizes Dorothy L. Sayers’s essays “Are Women Human?” and “The Human-Not-Quite-Human”, recently republished by Eerdmans, within the three “waves” of twentieth-century feminism.
- Books Reviewed:
- The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy: The Lion, The Witch, and the Worldview Ed. by Gregory Bassham and Jerry L. Walls
- J.R.R. Tolkien’s Sanctifying Myth: Understanding Middle-earth by Bradley J. Birzer
- Inside Narnia: A Guide to Exploring The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Devin Brown
- Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth and Religion in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles Ed. by Shanna Caughey
- Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien by Matthew Dickerson and Jonathan Evans
- Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C.S. Lewis by David C. Downing
- Into the Wardrobe: C.S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles by David C. Downing
- Not a Tame Lion by Bruce Edwards
- C.S. Lewis - Mythe, raison ardente : Imagination et réalité selon C.S. Lewis by Irène Fernandez
- Interrupted Music: The Making of Tolkien’s Mythology by Verlyn Flieger
- Irrigating Deserts: C.S. Lewis on Education by Joel Heck
- The World of the Rings by Jared Lobdell
- Beyond the Shadowlands: C.S. Lewis on Heaven and Hell by Wayne Martindale
- The Lord of the Rings: Popular Culture in Global Context Ed. by Ernest Mathijs
- Unsung Heroes of The Lord of the Rings: From the Page to the Screen by Lynnette R. Porter
- The Way Into Narnia: A Reader’s Guide by Peter J. Schakel
- In Search of Salt. A Perennial Comparison of C.S. Lewis and Owen Barfield by Raymond P. Tripp Jr.
- C.S. Lewis & Narnia for Dummies by Richard Wagner
- The Heart of The Chronicles of Narnia: Knowing God Here by Finding Him There by Thomas Williams
- The Gospel According to Tolkien: Visions of the Kingdom in Middle-earth by Ralph C. Wood
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