SEVEN: An Anglo-American Literary Review
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Volume 27 (2010)
- C.S. Lewis on Language and Meaning − Steven A. Beebe
- Steven A. Beebe examines the C.S. Lewis manuscript fragment entitled Language and Human Nature that he identifies as the start of an intended book collaboration between Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. The fragment is transcribed in toto.
- In Search of Lucy: The Life of Lucy Barfield − Owen A. and Adelene Barfield
- The life of Owen Barfield’s daughter is outlined by her nephew, Owen A. Barfield.
- C.S. Lewis Remembered: Cambridge, 1957-1960 − Tom McAlindon
- Tom McAlindon, Renaissance scholar, recalls his years as a post-graduate student at Cambridge under the supervision of C.S. Lewis.
- Woodland Prisoner − Clyde S. Kilby
- John D. Rateliff introduces and annotates a 1983 talk given by Dr. Clyde S. Kilby recounting his work with J.R.R. Tolkien on The Silmarillion.
- Two Poems by Owen Barfield − Brett Foster
- Brett Foster analyzes Owen Barfield’s poems Rust and She. Both poems are published here; She appears in print for the first time.
- C.S. Lewis and the Art of the Apologue − Samuel Joeckel
- Samuel Joeckel suggests that classifying The Great Divorce and The Screwtape Letters as apologues allows a more accurate understanding of C.SLewis’s approach to story-telling.
- Review Essay: G.K. Chesterton as Thinker and Theologian − Ralph C. Wood
- Ralph C. Wood offers an overview of recent scholarship on G.K. Chesterton’s theology, with emphasis on Aidon Nichols’s 2009 book from Second Spring, G.K. Chesterton, Theologian.
- Review Essay: Dearborn's The Baptized Imagination − Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson
- Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson asserts the importance of Kerry Dearborn’s 2006 book The Baptized Imagination: The Theology of George MacDonald (Ashgate) in MacDonald scholarship.
- Some Planets in Narnia: A Quantitative Investigation of the Planet Narnia Thesis − Justin L. Barrett
- Online article: see the Wade web site for download.
- Other Books Reviewed:
- Reprinted Titles from The Barfield Press: History, Guilt, and Habit; Owen Barfield on C.S. Lewis; The Rediscovery of Meaning, and Other Essays; Romanticism Comes of Age; Speaker’s Meaning; What Coleridge thought; Worlds Apart; Unancestral Voice by Owen Barfield
- C.S. Lewis and Philosophy as a Way of Life by Adam Barkman
- C.S. Lewis as Philosopher eds. Baggett, Habermas and Walls
- C.S. Lewis ou La vocation du best-seller by Suzanne Bray
- Out of My Bone: The Letters of Joy Davidman ed. Don W. King
- In the Near Loss of Everything: George MacDonald’s Son in America by Dale Wayne Slusser
- A Detection of the Trinity by John Thurmer
- The Victorian Approach to Modernism in the Fiction of Dorothy L. Sayers by Aoife Leahy
- Dorothy L. Sayers: The Christ of the Creeds and Other Broadcast Messages ed. Suzanne Bray
- Charles Williams and His Contemporaries ed. Suzanne Bray and Richard Sturch
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